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Exhibitor Information
How to Exhibit at the Shows
For more detail, please refer to the HWSDS Premium List on the Onofrio Dog Shows website.
Click Here to Download Schedules.

When are the shows?The Houston World Series of Dog Shows will take place at NRG Center July 16-20, 2025. To see when specific events take place, check out the Shows-at-a-Glance event schedule to see times and locations within NRG Center.
Why should I come to the shows?To be entertained The Houston World Series of Dog Shows is one of the best entertainment values around. For only a few dollars, you can spend an entire day admiring thousands of beautiful dogs, shopping the vendor booths and enjoying such action-packed events as Flyball, Frisbee® dogs, Canine Musical Freestyle and more. To be educated Everything you want to know about buying, training and caring for your dog is presented under one roof. You can also talk face-to-face with experts on any dog-related topic and learn about more than 80 different breeds at Meet the Breeds. Every year, the events for nonregistered dogs vary. We encourage you to bring your pets and participate in these happenings. To see top competitors Many of the top-winning show dogs in the country, representing virtually every breed recognized by the American Kennel Club, will compete at the Houston World Series of Dog Shows. Here’s your chance to see rare breeds and extraordinarily well-trained performance dogs.
What are the best events for kids?While the entirety of the Houston World Series of Dog Shows is family-friendly and appropriate for adults and children of all ages, there are some specific events that may be of extra interest to children because they include music, movement or fast-paced competition. Some of the best ones to look out for include: Flyball Treibball Canine Frisbee™ Canine Musical Freestyle Dock Diving Dogs McScotty Market "Man's Best Friend" Student Art Exhibit
How much are tickets?Tickets are available at the Door (Cash or Card) and through Ticketmaster and GROUPON. WEDNESDAY ONLY Free Admission (along with parking*) THURSDAY ONLY $10.00 Adults 13 to 54 years of age $ 5.00 Seniors age 55 and older $ 5.00 Active and retired military personnel and family with ID Free: Children age 12 and younger with an adult FRIDAY - SUNDAY $15.00 Adults 13 to 54 years of age $10.00 Seniors age 55 and older $10.00 Active and retired military personnel and family with ID Free: Children age 12 and younger with an adult *Parking is free on Wednesday only.
Can tickets be purchased at the gate with a credit card?Yes, tickets can be purchased at the gate with a credit card. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted. Cash is also accepted, but no checks. There are ATMs available within the NRG Center.
Where do I park when I get to the shows?Visitor parking is available in the North Fannin Lot (Orange), which you can reach from Fannin via the Holly Hall entrance. If entering through the McNee entrance, please proceed to park in the Orange Lot. To avoid this expense, we encourage you to ride Metro Rail and get off at the Holly Hall stop to reach NRG Center. Exhibitors and Vendors, use the McNee entrance from Kirby and proceed to either the Red or the Tan Lot. For more details, visit our Venue Information page.
How much is parking?Thursday - Sunday: Credit Card Only Event Parking, $22 per day (subject to change) Wednesday: Free (Let the parking attendant know you are visiting the dog show). For more information, visit our Venue Information Page.
Can I rent a wheel chair or scooter at the shows?Yes. To reserve ahead of time, please call 832-667-1482. See rates below. If guest goes over the 4-hour mark, it simply goes to a daily rate. Visa, Master Card, and Discover are accepted forms of payment. (Cash & Checks will not be accepted.) 1 Hour: $10 for wheelchair, $20 for scooter 2 Hours: $16 for wheelchair, $32 for scooter 3 Hours: $20 for wheelchair, $40 for scooter 4 Hours: $24 for wheelchair, $48 for scooter Daily Rental: $35 for wheelchair, $70 for scooter
What can I bring to the shows?Security Checkpoints: All items allowed into NRG Park facilities are subject to inspection. Bags larger than 11″ x 17″ and all backpacks will not be allowed. Lockers and storage areas are not available. Purses and diaper bags are subject to inspection. Prohibited Items: For the safety concerns of patrons, NRG Center may refuse entry of individuals in possession of prohibited items including, but not limited to: video or audio recorders or similar devices, professional camera equipment or lenses over 12” in length, laser pointers, weapons/firearms, air horns/whistles or other noisemakers, sealed packages of any kind, bottles or cans, coolers or containers, fireworks, inflatable objects, outside food or beverage (Exceptions are made for medical reasons and children). No remote controlled vehicles, including cars and unmanned aircraft (drones), are authorized to operate on NRG Center property.
Can I open carry at the shows?For the safety concerns of patrons, NRG Center may refuse entry of individuals in possession of prohibited items including, but not limited to weapons/firearms.
Can I bring my own food or drinks to the shows?NRG Center does not allow any outside food or drink because of an exclusive contract with ARAMARK. ARAMARK's concession stands, however, offer a wide variety of food (including vegetarian) and drink.
Is water available at the shows?Water fountains are available at NRG Center.
Are concessions available?ARAMARK's concession stands will be available and offer a wide variety of food (including vegetarian) and drink.
Can I bring food for my dog?If you think your dog companion may become hungry while you are visiting the Shows, you may bring some of your own dog food and a bowl. As with water, collapsible bowls are recommended. Also, be prepared to clean up after your dog if necessary.
May I bring my own dog to the shows?The competitions at our shows are only for dogs that have been pre-entered. If you are coming to receive a PAL evaluation, you must bring your dog. You may also bring your dog for special fittings of canine sportswear or collars. We do not offer any “social” activities for family pets so please do not expect to find the equivalent of a dog park. Every year, the events for non-registered dogs vary. We encourage you to bring your pets and participate in these activities. If you do bring your pet, please remember that many of the entered dogs have been exposed to many other dogs at shows around the country before arriving here. For your dog’s safety and health, he should be at least 6-months-old and have all the proper vaccinations. They must be under control at all times. For good animal husbandry reasons, “community” water bowls are not provided. If you bring your family pet, please bring your own water bowl or cup and be prepared to clean up after your dog if necessary. Retractable leads are not allowed. Dogs not entered in the conformation show are prohibited in the grooming area.
Can I interact with dogs at the shows?Before interacting with anybody's dog at the Shows, you should always ask the owner's permission. The owner will share any concern's about touching and interacting with their dog. If the owner says you cannot pet his dog, please respect his wishes. This is particularly important if the dog is a service animal.
May I take photos at the shows?Spectators may take their own photos at the Shows, and share them personally with family and friends via email or social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Selfie sticks are allowed, as long as they do not obstruct any walking traffic or interfere with a competition. We also ask that you limit the use of your camera’s flash while photographing competing dogs, as this may distract them from performing at their highest level. If you share your photos on social media, we’d love it if you would hashtag your photos with #hwsds or #comesitstay so we can see your photos and share them. NOTE: Anybody who is present in NRG Center may be photographed or featured in videos on social media without their express consent. If you see yourself in a photo online and wish it to be taken down for personal reasons, please contact HWSDS directly.
Can I buy a puppy or a dog at the shows?We do not allow dogs to be sold or adopted at the Shows. That said, we do encourage you to meet reputable breeders at the shows or visit with the numerous rescue societies and clubs with which you can make an appointment at a later date to either purchase or adopt a dog.
What type of things can I buy at the McScotty Market?The McScotty Market features vendors who travel from all over the country, bringing pet-related products as well as more general home products for you to see, test and purchase. Every year the vendor breakdown is unique, but you should expect to find vendors who sell products like: Home goods focused on animals (signs, key rings, bandanas, shirts, etc.) Clothing for dogs Specialty baked goods designed specifically for dogs and their nutritional needs All kinds of collars and different types of leads and leashes Dog and animal carriers Supplies for cleaning up after your dogs
Can I use a selfie stick?Selfie sticks are allowed, as long as they do not obstruct any walking traffic or interfere with a competition. We also ask that you limit the use of your camera’s flash while photographing competing dogs, as this may distract them from performing at their highest level.
Can I use a drone to take videos at the shows?No remote controlled vehicles, including cars and unmanned aircraft (drones), are authorized to operate on NRG Park property.
Is commercial photography or video allowed?Commercial photography and video are generally not allowed at the Houston World Series of Dog Shows. If you are a photographer who is interested in taking photos at the Shows, you may apply for media credentials. If approved, you will be able to take photos and videos by appointment and in coordination with Show staff.
May I take photos at the shows?Spectators may take their own photos at the Shows, and share them personally with family and friends via email or social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Selfie sticks are allowed, as long as they do not obstruct any walking traffic or interfere with a competition. We also ask that you limit the use of your camera’s flash while photographing competing dogs, as this may distract them from performing at their highest level. If you share your photos on social media, we’d love it if you would hashtag your photos with #hwsds or #comesitstay so we can see your photos and share them. NOTE: Anybody who is present in NRG Center may be photographed or featured in videos on social media without their express consent. If you see yourself in a photo online and wish it to be taken down for personal reasons, please contact HWSDS directly.
Find the HWSDS Premium ListFor detailed information related to entering our AKC events, please visit the Onofrio Dog Shows website at Once posted, you can access/download the HWSDS Premium List from the "Upcoming Events" page on their website. Just scroll down the page until you see the Houston show which closes in July. Then click on one of the event names and you will see a green button labeled "Premium List".
Enter Breed Judging or ObedienceThe show superintendent, Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, handles all Conformation & Obedience entry submissions on the Onofrio website through the Online Entry System. Once posted, you can access/download the HWSDS Premium List from the "Upcoming Events" page on their website. Just scroll down the page until you see the Houston show which closes in July. Then click one of the event names and you will see a green button labeled "Premium List". See the image below as an example:
Enter 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition (NEW for 2024!)For information on the 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy eligibility requirements, please visit the AKC website. The show superintendent, Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, handles all 4-6mo Beginner Puppy entry submissions on the Onofrio website through the Online Entry System. Once posted, you can access/download the HWSDS Premium List from the "Upcoming Events" page on their website. Just scroll down the page until you see the Houston show which closes in July. Then click on one of the event names and you will see a green button labeled "Premium List". See the image below as an example:
Register for Barn Hunt® TrialsClick Here to visit the Texas Barn Hunt Association website. Barn Hunt Trials will take place Thursday-Sunday, starting at 8am. Two trials will run each day. For fee information and to register for Barn Hunt, please click here. Your dog must have a Barn Hunt number to participate. Click here to obtain a number. Registration for Barn Hunt trials will not be available at the event.
Register for Scent Work TrialsClick Here to access the Scent Work Premium List and entry form. Click Here to submit entries online. For more information about Scent Work, please visit the AKC website. These trials are offered by the Leonberger Club of America and hosted by the Frontier Leonberger Club of the Southwest.
Register for AKC Temperament TestingAKC Temperament Testing will take place Thursday-Friday, starting at 9am. Two trials will run each day. Registration for AKC Temperament Testing (ATT) is open until the limit of 40 per trial is reached. To register for AKC Temperament Testing, your dog must already have either an AKC or FSS registration number, a Canine Partners Listing (CPL) number or Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) Number. Click Here to view the event information and entry form. Click Here to download the form(s) needed to obtain a CPL or PAL number. To learn more about ATT, please visit the AKC website. The ATT trials are offered by the Leonberger Club of America and hosted by the Frontier Leonberger Club of the Southwest.
Register for Canine Good Citizen® & AKC Trick DogClick Here to access the event information and entry form. Click Here to submit entries online. For more information about Canine Good Citizen®, please visit the AKC website. For more information about AKC Trick Dog, please visit the AKC website. These trials are offered by the Leonberger Club of America and hosted by the Frontier Leonberger Club of the Southwest.
Register for Farm Dog CertificationClick Here to access the Farm Dog Certification online entry form. The FDC Test is open to all dogs at least 9 months of age that are individually registered with the AKC, recorded in the FSS program, dogs with PAL numbers or dogs enrolled in the AKC Canine Partners program. Visit for more information.
Register for Diving DogsTo register for Diving Dogs, your dog must already have a NADD ID. To receive a NADD ID, please visit the North American Diving Dogs website. You do not have to have an AKC or CKC registered dog to jump. NADD is open to all dogs (breed, mixed, unaltered, altered, etc.) All competitors in this event will receive a daily pass to enter the Houston World Series of Dog Shows. Click Here to access the Diving Dogs Event Flyer. NOTE: Dogs do not need to register with NADD to partake in the "Try-It" splashes.
Register for TreibballTreibball has been cancelled for the 2024 Show.
Reserve a Grooming SpaceGrooming/Crating space may be reserved, although some space will be provided for exhibitors without reservations and for day-use crating. NOTE: Non-reserved space will not have access to electricity. Only approved grooming space may be used. Click Here to book a Reserved Grooming space online. Click Here to download a PDF form. Spaces will not be assigned until after entries close the first week of July. Click Here to print the Reserved Grooming List & Map. Note: Groom Texas competitors will have reserved space adjacent to the contest area in Hall A.
Find my Reserved Grooming SpaceClick Here for the Reserved Grooming List. Click Here for the Reserved Grooming Map.
Reserve an RV Parking Space and Electrical HookupsYou must book these services with NRG Center. Click here to login to the online portal. If you do not already have an online account with NRG, you must sign up for one before making your reservations. Click Here to register with NRG. Use the Order Services tab’s drop-down menu to access the: Parking tab to order weekly in/out and RV overnight permits Electrical and Plumbing Services tab to make RV 50 amp reservations
Find Hotels near NRG CenterClick Here for the current list of hotels. Most are dog-friendly; some offer discounted rates to dog show exhibitors. Check back for updates.
Can I select my preferred space?We are not providing a layout of spaces this year for you to select a specific space. We need the flexibility to rearrange booth locations to accommodate vendors who require multiple spaces. We will make every attempt to assign you to the space you had in prior years. When we assign spaces, preference will be given to your history with the show and your registration date. As soon as possible, we will post space assignments on the our Vendors page.
Are there special rules or restrictions?The Vendor Committee will direct move-in in an orderly manner. Dog food companies are prohibited due to the exclusivity rights of our prime sponsor. Human food vendors are subject to special restrictions. Please contact the booth committee for additional information. Only ADA-approved equipment can be operated in the building during show hours. Drones and hoverboards may be sold, but they cannot be demonstrated on the property. Merchandise cannot be displayed outside of your defined space. Nothing can be attached to walls or columns. A clear space of 5′ from any wall is required. Signs, banners, displays etc. shall not exceed 12 feet in height. No flashing/rotating lights and no balloons allowed. Drones may be sold, but not operated. Displays or sales are not permitted in the parking lot or crating area except as approved by the Vendor Committee. Product giveaways are permitted in your booth area only. Violators will be removed from the building and booth rental fees will not be refunded.
Can I sell food for human consumption?All vendors (and/or exhibitors) selling food must be pre-approved by ARAMARK who has the exclusive food and beverage contract with NRG Center. Generally, ARAMARK will approve sales of food that is not intended to be consumed on premises.
Should I pay by Credit Card or Check?Credit Card is preferred because we can issue automatic refunds, if necessary. We recognize that some companies require payment by company check, and the payment screen has an option for “off line” payment. Checks should be made payable to Houston World Series of Dog Shows and mailed to Jane Bates.
Can I make a deposit to reserve my space and be billed later for the remaining amount?Yes, we require an initial payment of $100 to reserve your space. We will bill you in May for 1/2 of the remaining balance and final payment is due by June 15. You will not be allowed to setup if there is an outstanding balance. If you need to cancel your reservation before June 15, we will refund your entire payment. After June 15, we will refund your payments less the $100 deposit. We do not offer discounts for late registrations.
Do I need more than the basic electrical service provided with the booth?Basic electrical service will handle display lights, personal computers, etc. If more is needed, contact Gary Bates at
What are the show hours?Wednesday: 9AM-4PM Thursday thru Sunday: 8AM-4PM Please note that these are the hours the public gates are open. Spectators often stay later to shop.
Where can I find the list of booth assignments?On the week of the shows, links to lists of booth assignments for both Commercial and Non-Profit Vendors will be posted at the top of the Vendors Page on our website.
When and where should I pick up my show credentials, parking permits, etc.?The Booth Committee will have a registration desk at the entrance to loading dock "C" on Monday and Tuesday. Beginning Wednesday, their desk will be located in "Hall C" underneath the American Flag.
Where should I enter the property and the NRG Center ?You can enter through either the McNee gate off Kirby Dr. or the North gate from Old Spanish Trail. You should enter the building from the loading ramp at Hall C. It is important that you use the ramp at Hall C to facilitate traffic flow within the building.
When can I enter the building?On Tuesday you can enter from 8 AM until 7 PM after which entry is prohibited. Your vehicles must be removed by 8 PM, but you can continue your setup after your vehicle is removed.
Where should I park after unloading?Vehicles can be parked in the Tan Lot adjacent to the loading docks. Trailers should be dropped at the cooling towers. We will provide transportation to your trailer for re-stocking.
Do I need special credentials to park?You will need either a Tan Hang Tag or a Tan dash board placard to park in this lot. If you purchased a weekly in/out pass when you registered with us, we will have your tag(s) when you enter. If you decide to pay daily parking rates, we will provide you with a Tan placard. Overnight parking requires a special pass which must be purchased at the NRG booth.
How will my booth be set up?Each booth will have an 8’ back drape and 3’ side drapes. Electric cords are dropped behind the booths with each 10’ section having access to 15 amp plugs. 8’ unskirted tables are available through the vendor committee for $25 each. Chairs are not provided.
Can I post signs/posters in the building and can I hand out promotional flyers?All advertising and promotional activities must be done within your booth unless you have special permission from the Vendor Committee. No signs or posters can be attached to any walls or columns.
Are there any restrictions for advertising or promotion within my booth?Signs, banners, displays etc. shall not exceed 12 ft in height. No flashing/rotating lights and no balloons allowed. Drones may be sold, but not operated. Displays or sales are not permitted in the parking lot or crating area except as approved by the Vendor Committee. Product giveaways are permitted in your booth area only.
How can I ship merchandise to the shows?Product shipments must be arranged through our decorator and you will be responsible for drayage charges. Shipping Address: Grit Expositions 3620 Willowbend Suite 1118 Houston, TX 77054

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